Reunion Roadmap

Israel Connections: Mark Randall - Pursued to Redemption

B'ney Yosef North America / Mark Randall Season 6

In a sense, we are all caught in a spiritual prison. Our hearts are incorrigible, and thus our Creator has turned us over to the consequences of our own misdeeds. That’s where we would remain had our Creator not determined to bring us out of that dark place. This is the story of redemption – we didn’t earn it, but God offers it anyway, even when we don’t realize there’s a better alternative to our current circumstances, nor understand how to find that alternative.

This is the story of Mark Randall’s life. One might say he was doomed from birth to a lawless life of darkness, but God would not leave him to that fate. How that happened is the subject of our lengthy interview with Mark. He explains how he exchanged the life of an incorrigible criminal to one of a redeemed servant of the Most High. 

Mark has done wonders improving BYNA’s online presence as our webmaster. To learn more about his automation services, visit his website at


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