Reunion Roadmap
Who are all these people embracing the Torah, and where do I find them? If you’ve been asking that question, then we have some answers in these podcasts! Reunion Roadmap is a 50-minute podcast produced several times monthly to feature the people of the emerging House of Joseph, and many others across the spectrum of people who worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The show airs each Saturday and Sunday evening on Hebraic Roots Radio (https://www.hebrootsradio.com/), after which we upload the podcasts right here. You’ll enjoy these interviews with brothers and sisters from around the world, insightful biblical commentary from our Elders, and inspiring music by gifted artists. Come on in and enjoy the show!
Reunion Roadmap
Israel Connections: Morgan Phelps - A Kingdom Business
What were you doing at the age of 8? That’s the age Morgan Phelps was when she started her first business! Now in her 20s, she not only continues to operate her own businesses, she also advises others who would like to go into business or manage their family farms. Morgan and her family are no strangers to adversity – even some of the worst kinds of loss. Nevertheless, they have found ways to survive and thrive through every trial. Our visit with her is both encouraging and informative, and will inspire you to find out what more you might do according to fulfill our God’s purposes for your life!
Want to get in touch with Morgan? Call her at (937) 901-0041 and ask how she might be able to help with your business idea. If you live in South Central Ohio, you might want to take a look at the products offered through Morgan’s food co-op, A Bounty of Eden, accessible at https://www.farmmatch.com/abountyofeden and https://www.localharvest.org/a-bounty-of-eden-M79806.
Thanks for listening to Reunion Roadmap! We have more resources available on our B'ney Yosef North American website at https://bneyyosefna.com/
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