Reunion Roadmap

Al McCarn: Christian Zionism 101, part 2

B'ney Yosef North America / Al McCarn Season 9 Episode 5

It If God is zealous over Zion, shouldn’t His people share that zeal? Of course, it might help if they understood exactly what Zion is, and why Zionism is important to the Creator of the Universe. That’s why Al McCarn wrote his book, Christian Zionism 101: Ten Reasons Christians Should Support Israel and the Jewish People. In this second part of our conversation Al shares some more of those important reasons why Christians should care about Zion.  

Zeal is a big deal in all the things of God, but like all things there is a degree of maturity and wisdom required to be zealous in the right way and the right time. That’s what we learn from David Jones and Barry Phillips in their midrash called, “Zealous.” Will Spires and Jimmie Black round out this show with their musical gifts. 

Christian Zionism 101: Ten Reasons Christians Should Support Israel and the Jewish People is available in print and Kindle format on Amazon at this link:

Christian Zionism 101, by Albert J. McCarn

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