Reunion Roadmap

Hanoch Young: A Voice from Judah, part 1

B'ney Yosef North America / Hanoch Young Season 9 Episode 7

Hanoch Young has been a Jewish activist since his youth. As he will tell you, that’s what got him arrested on three continents before his 21st birthday! He’s still an activist, but instead of protesting and gaining negative attention from authorities, he’s building bridges with the House of Joseph in expectation that one day soon the two parts of God’s Covenant Nation of Israel will become one in Messiah’s hand. In this three-part interview, we hear his thoughts about Israel’s relations with the new American government, the state of Jewish-Christian relations, and much more!

Some might say Hanoch has an anointing to reach out to Christians and tell them about their identity as Ephraim. That’s a good description of why he does what he does. But what exactly is an anointing? That’s a question Barry Phillips and David Jones discuss in their midrash, “Anointing or Preferences?” We also have the anointed music of Laura Metzing and Samuel & Benjamin Wearp

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